What is workplace trauma and how to support your employees?

Workplace trauma Support for Employees Anyone could be affected by trauma at work. Workplace trauma is real. Therefore, it is important to recognize the different events that trigger a trauma response, how different people react to a traumatic event and what you, as an employer, can do to mitigate the impact of the traumatic even on your team. Different types of trauma Firstly, there is a single incident trauma, which is caused by an identifiable crisis – an event with a clear beginning and end. For example, this could be an accident, sudden death of a dear colleague or robbery. This type of trauma is often a single event experienced by an individual or a group of people. It is often the case, that in the workplace environment this event is known or by many, so it is likely that the teams or the company accepts and understands an individual or group traumatic response and is open to talking about it. Secondly, there is a complex trauma which is caused by ongoing e...