The Benefits of CBT You Need to Know
Cognitive-behavioural therapy, one of the most frequently chosen therapies for mental health illnesses and related conditions, combines behavioural and talk therapy to assist individuals in reframing their negative ideas into positive ones. Here are some of the benefits you need to know. Compared to other therapies, CBT is a shorter form of therapy Depending on their issue, those who seek CBT treatment typically spend 30 to 60 minutes per session. For at least two weeks, you must attend CBT therapy sessions with a virtual therapist once or twice per week. One of the CBT therapies like ERP for OCD could require more time to complete. However, your ERP therapist may help you to finish their treatment in fewer than ten sessions, and others may need months or even years. You are prepared for practical scenarios with the use of the CBT skills An important part of CBT is the development of a h...